Choosing Power Seat Functions

In the previous blog, we explored the different types of wheelchair chassis and seats a power wheelchair user could choose based on their daily activities and seating support needs. In this blog, we are going to discuss the power seat functions available for KARMA power wheelchairs.

The next question to ask about the user is “Does the user need any power seat functions for position change?” Each power function has its advantages which will be explored here.

The different types of power functions that can be equipped to Power Wheelchairs. Source: KARMA Medical

Power Recline + Elevating Leg Rests

The Power Recline + Elevating Leg Rests functions offer the user relaxation, easily accessible caregiver care, and convenient side transfers. The recline function makes it easy for the user to lie down like in a bed and stretch. 

[ Read about the full benefits of a reclining and tilting wheelchair here.]

Power Tilt

The Power Tilt function is great at offering pressure relief, trunk stability, and increased comfort. The tilt functions also allow the users to stabilize their seating position when going down a slope.

Power Tilt

The Power Tilt function is great at offering pressure relief, trunk stability, and increased comfort. The tilt functions also allow the users to stabilize their seating position when going down a slope. 

Power Standing

The Power Standing function has an extensive list of both physical and mental health benefits! All of which can be read about in more detail here. In summary, standing for just 30 minutes every day can improve a person’s blood pressure and circulation, digestive and urinary system, and bone and muscle density. The opportunity  to stand everyday gives the user a sense of independence which in turn improves their mental health.

Power Seat Elevation

The Power Seat Elevation not only has functional benefits such as improving the reaching range of the user but it also makes transferring in and out of the wheelchair safer. In addition, the Power Seat Elevation has the medical benefit of decreasing the hyper-lordotic position of the neck which means that the user decreases their risk of a neck injury from constantly having to overreach for objects.

Being able to elevate the seat to match the height of the surface that the user is transferring to is safer and will use less energy from the user. All of these functions contribute to the user;

  • Improving their independence, 
  • Enhancing their line-of-sight,
  • And engaging more socially, therefore, improving their self-esteem.

We’re here to help

The user can choose a combination of these features, however not every wheelchair is compatible with these features. It is important to discuss with a doctor or therapist whether it is safe for the user to have these functions so as not to risk secondary injuries. In the next blog, we will discuss the different types of power wheelchair wheel configurations and which will suit what users. KARMA Malaysia is always here to assist. Talk to a KARMA representative today! 

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