What Are the Benefits of an Electric Folding Wheelchair?

As a wheelchair user, you understand the importance of having freedom. At KARMA Malaysia, we also understand how critical your independce is and we want to help you enhance your independence and happiness.

Having an electric foldable wheelchair is one of the best ways to get around and we’re going to discuss the benefits of having an electric foldable wheelchair and why they might be the best choice for you.

1. Increased levels of independence

Wheelchair users can sometimes feel like a burden and want their own independence to be able to go wherever they want, whenever they want. Some users may feel restricted in a manual wheelchair but with an electric foldable wheelchair and powered wheelchairs in general, you will have an increased feeling of independence because you don’t have to rely on anyone to assist you.

You will find that with an electric foldable wheelchair that you can complete tasks that bring your fulfilment and enjoyment such as visiting friends and family alone without the help of a caregiver.

2. Boosted mood and happiness

With increased independence, you will feel happier that you can complete tasks and activities that you would never be able to do without an electric foldable wheelchair.

3. Saves space

As the name suggests, electric foldable wheelchairs can be conveniently stored away. This means that they are the perfect options for individuals and families who struggle with limited space.

Having a wheelchair that is foldable allows you to fold the wheelchair and put it in the trunk of a car. This means you can go on more trips, or if you are a caregiver, you can bring your elderly relatives outwithouth having to worry about pushing a manual wheelchair.

4. Lightweight

You will also find lightweight options within the range including the Ergo Nimble which will allow you to transport your wheelchair when not in use. This will also make it easier for a caregiver to carry when you are not using the wheelchair.

Ergo Nimble is the perfect electric folding power wheelchair ideal for travel and storing in the trunk of a car. Soure: KARMA Mobility ES 

5. Increased comfort

The range of electric foldable wheelchairs at KARMA Malaysia are crafted with the wheelchair user in mind. This means that we cater to a range of comfort needs to ensure that whilst you are using the wheelchair, you are as comfortable as possible. According to the body measurements of the user, you can adjust specific elements of the electric foldable wheelchair. This includes the height of the seat and the armrests to ensure that the user is comfortable and in control of the wheelchair whilst it is in motion.

6. Improved safety in vehicles

Within the range of electric foldable wheelchairs at KARMA Malaysia, you will find models that have been tested for safety whilst in vehicles. Designs within the range available have been approved for transportation in accordance with ISO 7176-19. This means they are suitable and are an approved seat in a motor vehicle for transportation

We’re here to help

If you need further assistance to decide which electric folding wheelchair will best suit your lifestyle, KARMA Malaysia is always here to assist. Talk to a KARMA representative today! 

Call us: 03-5612 1921 / 010 – 238 1921

Email us: [email protected]